Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I know I haven't posted in a while but just haven't taken the time. Today's post will just be a bunch of "ramblings" that have been going around in my head for a while.

I've been thinking about how much laughter helps us through life. Then Sunday Chris preached about that and used an illustration I love about the movie, Monsters, Inc. I love that movie and know it well since my precious little grandchildren love to watch it. Therefore, I love to watch it, too. The story is a really good lesson for all of us. If you aren't familiar with the movie, it's about a company of monsters who make electricity using the screams of children as these monsters scare them. Then, they discover that the giggling and laughter of children makes more electricity than the screams. (Get the message - laughter is a good thing!) I really believe this is true in all of our lives. If we are positive and allow laughter to be a part of our everyday lives, it will take us through many trials. Sometimes this is easy to forget. But, we do have a lot to celebrate in our lives - no matter what we've been through. Each new day is a gift from God. I try to thank Him each morning for that day - another chance to live for Him - another day full of His grace. I want to practice thankfulness each day.

Sometimes I think we spend our lives waiting for something better to happen and we miss the many opportunities for happiness that "slap us in the face" daily. You know the way we ladies are - we want a prettier, bigger or CLEANER house before we ask friends over. My, we miss out a lot of good times if we keep waiting.

Another thing I've been thinking about lately is that we should delight in the small things. I think the older I get, the more this become a reality in my life. Things that I never paid attention to in the past, are really special to me now.

You've probably heard the old saying, "Slow down and smell the roses." Well, there's a whole lot of truth to that. It seems that time goes faster and faster and faster. That makes it more difficult to take the time for "smelling the roses". But, I think it's really important to make yourself enjoy the trip and not just the destination.

I'm also learning to listen to people. In the past, I would carry on a conversation with someone and leave without remembering a thing they said. Now, I try to "really" listen to what people are saying and "what they aren't saying".

I guess I can sum all of this up with two words - CELEBRATE LIFE! That's what I want to do for the rest of the days God has for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there I was reading your blog and think we are on the same page! Come read mine and you will see. I just started mine in January so it is not as good as yours but I loved yours. Kathy