Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I know it's been a very long time since I've posted but today I thought I would share a little of what God is doing in my life.

At 61 years of age, you wouldn't think I would still need this, but God has been working on me in the area of CHARACTER. Character has been described as "who you are when no one's looking". This is not to be confused with Reputation, which is "what others think of you". I desire to be the same ALL THE TIME! I do understand that, in the time we are living, Character is an endangered quality.

I can't find this word in the Bible but I immediately recognize its absence - in me and others. It is not what we have done, but who we are! I do understand that developing character takes a long, long time. It's one of those things in which you take two steps forward and one step back.

There are many character qualities that I need to work on - such as: courage, discipline (that's a big one for me), tough love and most of all, the character of Christ. I'll probably talk more in future posts about each of these qualities specifically.

As I try to work out this thing called Character, I'm reminded by my Lord that it doesn't matter how wonderful your character is, it will never be enough to earn God's approval. It is not a way to earn salvation. Praise God that this is a gift from our Father. Nope, can't earn it. It's a gift. I'm so very thankful for that.

Since Character is our world's most pressing need, I press on to this high calling. To the extent that our own Characters grow stronger, the world will be a better place. I want to be a part of that!

1 comment:

Liz*** said...

Preach on, momma!