Thursday, September 21, 2006

Gary D. Chapman, in his study entitled "Communicate Love to Your Spouse" says he believes there are only five languages of love. Each person uses all the languages, but really thrives on one. The better you speak your spouse's love language, the stronger your emotional love life will be. For those unfamiliar with love languages, here's a brief course:

Words of Affirmation. Proverbs 18:21 says that the tongue has the power of life and death. This language uses words to honor and appreciate your spouse.

Gifts. A gifts tells your spouse that he/she was thinking about you. Gifts don't need to be expensive. After all, it's the thought that counts, isn't it? With gifts, it isn't what you give, but how often you give that communicates love.

Acts of Service. The Bible tells us to love not only in word but in action. Acts of service include: washing the car, walking the dog, changing the baby, doing the dishes, or whatever needs doing.

Quality Time. This means giving your spouse undivided attention. Maybe it's a picnic, a weekend away, or just muting the TV. The important thing is the two of you focusing on each other.

Physical Touch. We've long known the emotional power of physical touch. Holding hands, embracing, a back rub, even putting your hand on your mate's leg while you drive.

So, how do you discover your spouse's love language? Ask yourself the following questions:

"How does my spouse most often express love to me?" If they give you words of affirmation, that may be their love language. They're usually giving you what they wish to receive.

"What does my spouse complain about most often?" Our complaints reveal our deepest desires. This can give you a hint at your spouse's love language.

"What does my spouse request most often?" If your spouse routinely asks if you would help make the bed or give the children a bath tonight, then Acts of Service may be his or her primary love language.

You need three things to be a successful lover:
1. Information. What is your spouse's love language?
2. Will. Love is an active choice.
3. Frequency. Use your spouse's primary language to express love regularly.

This is really good information given by Gary Chapman who is a marriage and relationship expert. HOPE IT HELPS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Paula! Juat wanted you to know that I read your post and appreciate your words of wisdom!